Kopiko Aotearoa Official Guide Book - East Cape to Cape Egmont

Kopiko Aotearoa Official Guide Book - East Cape to Cape Egmont

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This functional guidebook describes the 1060 kilometre Kōpiko Aotearoa route from Cape Egmont to East Cape. It includes maps and elevation charts throughout the route, detailed turn-by-turn cue sheets, contact details for important businesses along the way such as remote accommodation, cafes and supermarkets, transport operators, etc. It is made to be used on the ride as a complement to GPS navigation (it's worth having both).

Wondering which direction you should ride? In 2020 almost exactly the same number of people chose to ride in each direction. Both groups swore it was the best way to go, and would try it in the other direction next year. “Westers” noted that it was beautiful to start with sunrise at East Cape. “Easters” were swayed by the “predominant tail wind”. Both commented on what a lot of hills there were.

The authors, Jonathan Kennett and Erik Westra, have been writing and riding in New Zealand for over 25 years. Jonathan rates this route as “the best ride of my life… since doing the Tour Aotearoa”.

Note: for those who have ridden the Tour Aotearoa and enjoyed the numerous cafes, accommodation and services along the route – it's worth knowing there is only one bike shop on the Kōpiko route (in New Plymouth) – the rest of the route is pretty remote. You'll need to use a tent for this one.

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